Self-moving irrigation machine «Fregat» will help you to benefit from heavy and sustainable yield of crops, vegetable and industrial plants, and perennial grass by high-quality irrigation. «Fregat» is able to work on the fields with rugged relief that have a shallow soil layer, what excludes expensive planning of the irrigated fields. The highness of equal rain distribution makes it possible to distribute liquid fertilizer while irrigating.

3-4 irrigation machines may be served by one person only that increases the efficiency of the operation.

The new medium- and long-range sprinklers provide the most efficient irrigation. Bronze units are replaced by the ones made of alternative materials maintaining the same quality and performance what decreases the chances of these parts to be stolen. Long-range end sprinklers allow irrigating the rectangular fields being switched-on automatically on the necessary irrigated plots.


Technical data

Cart quantityunits7 - 20
UIM Lenghtm199 - 572
Operating water pressure:
for high-pressure typesMPa0,47 - 0,66 (4,7 - 6,6 кgf/cm2)
for low-pressure typesMPa0,41 (4,1 кgf/cm2)
Irrigation coverage from one positionha15,8 - 111,3
Low-pressure types are produced with cartunitsup to 16
