Field Day, dedicated to the presentation of new opportunities sprinkling machines “Fregat” and organized under the auspices of the Kherson Regional State Administration, was held on October 28th at the fields “Agri” Milovskaya ” company in s. Novokairy Berislav district of Kherson region. Among guests of the event were the governor of Kherson region, directors of regional and district administrations in relevant areas, representatives of agricultural enterprises who interested in applying wide-irrigation sprinkling machines “Fregat”.

Governor of Kherson region Andrey Gordeev noted that the restoration of irrigation are key factor to development of the agricultural sector in the region. In 2017 state budget  provided for substantial payments on the network recovery and help to agro-enterprises which are planning to implement irrigation.

During the seminar, experts of the Plant acquainted visitors with new technical solutions and options for irrigation machines “Fregat”. Also, answered the questions to representatives of agricultural companies and design organizations.

After the official part was the drawing of prizes from Plant “Fregat”. Prospective buyers of irrigation machines received certificates of free upgrade of useful machine options.